
A mom of 3, Sammi is an expert at making healthy, family-friendly meals that don’t break the bank or require complicated ingredients. When not in the kitchen, you can find Sammi tending to her animals and garden, traveling with her family, or catching up on her reading list!


Two southwest stuffed poblano peppers on a white plate topped with sour cream and cilantro.

Easy Southwest Stuffed Poblano Peppers

Overhead photo of pink lemonade in a glass with ice, lemon wedge and sliced strawberries.

The Best Strawberry Lemonade Recipe (4 Ingredients)

A stack of chocolate chip cookies with a bite taken out of the top cookie.

One Bowl Chocolate Chip Cookies

Up close photo of pico de gallo in a white bowl surrounded by tortilla chips.

The Best Homemade Pico De Gallo Recipe


Birria Tacos

Beets! I’ve tried them ALOT, people…it’s just not going to happen.

Married to Ryan since 2006, 3 children (Talia, Brady, and Jaxon)

– I have all 10 seasons of Friends on DVD. I can watch them over and over and never get tired of it. Oh and Downton Abbey – And yes, I am still mourning the loss of Matthew. Not cool show writers, not cool.

Christian romance (Redeeming Love), history (The Worst Hard Time)

Black Hills, South Dakota (born and raised and still here!)

I love to-do lists! Like they make me crazy happy. I will write something on the list AFTER I complete it just to check it off. #iamaweirdo

Kids…enough said (ha!), reading, sports cheerleader, gardening (flowers and produce), reorganizing the pantry (nerd alert!), hiking

Georgie (our sweet outdoor kitty), Pedro a wild turtle (yes, we wrote on his shell so we can make sure it’s him), and 18 sweet hens that lay eggs in almost every color!

I love being a mom and a homemaker! It’s literally the BEST thing that has EVER happened to me. I never thought I would “grow up” to say that, but I guess life is full of surprises.