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I am a Terrible COOK!!!

I can’t cook! Have you ever had this thought pass through your mind? If so, you are not alone! It is sad that many of the skills we need to lead successful adult lives are simply not taught to us in school. Cooking, finances, marriage and parenting are just a few areas that we all need a little extra “tutoring” in when we are growing up. https://happihomemade.com/i-cant-cook/

By: Sarah Koontz

I can’t cook! Have you ever had this thought pass through your mind? If so, you are not alone!

It is sad that many of the skills we need to lead successful adult lives are simply not taught to us in school. Cooking, finances, marriage and parenting are just a few areas that we all need a little extra “tutoring” in when we are growing up.

Unfortunately, many of us didn’t have mentors in all of these areas and are forced to learn in the school of hard knocks! Mistakes in money, marriage, and mothering can carry life-long consequences, but this is absolutely not the case in the kitchen.

Whether you burn a steak, forget the sugar in a cake, or give a friend a tummy ache, you will wake up tomorrow with a clean slate. The big question is, “Will you let your failures in the kitchen define you, or will they motivate you to work harder to become a successful cook?”

I can’t cook! Have you ever had this thought pass through your mind? If so, you are not alone! It is sad that many of the skills we need to lead successful adult lives are simply not taught to us in school. Cooking, finances, marriage and parenting are just a few areas that we all need a little extra “tutoring” in when we are growing up. https://happihomemade.com/i-cant-cook/

The first thing you must learn before you can thrive in the kitchen is that cooking is a skill, not a talent. Just like any skill, it takes patience, practice, and persistence to develop.

As you work to develop this skill, you have to keep your WHY at the forefront of your mind. Take a moment to write down the answers to these questions:

Why do you want to learn how to cook?

How will this skill improve your life or the life of your family?

What are you willing to sacrifice to accomplish this goal?

Once you know your WHY, you have to find your WAY. Everybody is different, and it is important that the WAY you choose to pursue this goal fits your personality and your schedule.

If you enjoy reading, head to the library and find a few books on the subject. If you are a hands on learner, ask a friend to mentor you in the kitchen. If you love learning from the internet, find some youtube videos or a blog on the subject.

What you choose to do is far less important than the fact that you are choosing to take ACTION towards your goal of learning how to cook.

The final thing you must know before you start this journey is that you will probably be pretty bad at it in the beginning. I know I was! But the more I did it, the more confident I became in my ability, the more risks I took, and the better my food tasted.

Over time my skills in the kitchen improved, and I became less reliant on recipes and more confident to branch out and try new things. Every time someone compliments me on my food, I can’t help but smile inside. I am a good cook!

It took a dozen or so years of practice, but I have developed an amazing skill and I get to spend the rest of my life sharing it with my loved ones.

I can’t cook! Have you ever had this thought pass through your mind? If so, you are not alone! It is sad that many of the skills we need to lead successful adult lives are simply not taught to us in school. Cooking, finances, marriage and parenting are just a few areas that we all need a little extra “tutoring” in when we are growing up. https://happihomemade.com/i-cant-cook/

If you are ready to stop making excuses, and start the process of becoming a ROCK STAR in the kitchen, here are three great articles to get you started:

1. 15 THINGS THAT HAPPEN WHEN YOU START COOKING FROM SCRATCH: Cooking may be something I do for myself, but it’s not really just a solo activity to feed nutrients to your body. It became empowering, therapeutic, social, romantic, and practical.

2. TOP 10 REASONS YOU NEED A B.F.F. (BEST FOODIE FRIEND): We all need friends who support our food goals. A Best Foodie Friend offers accountability and encouragement; they make our life better one bite at a time.

3. HOW I SAVE MONEY BY COOKING WHEN I FEEL LIKE IT: I’ve discovered that for me, the biggest blow to my grocery budget comes from those days that I just didn’t get dinner made, for one reason or another. So I needed to find a way to minimize the number of times we end up eating out by default.

Do you have some go-to recipes that have helped you build up confidence in the kitchen?  Please share a link to your favorite recipe in the comment section below!

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