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Countdown to 30 Series

This is my story of how I lost 15lbs in 12 weeks so I could fit into my skinny jeans again! Clean eating, working out, and high quality supplementaion did the trick :) Find all my tips and tricks within this healthy series! ~Sammi www.groundedandsurrounded.com/countdown-30-series/ ‎

 By: Sammi Ricke

It was June, only 3 short months until my 30th birthday.  Sarah and I had just attended an inspiring health conference, and we had a choice to make.  Either we continue to treat our bodies with disrespect, or we choose to implement the principles we had learned and make a lifestyle change .  We were both about 15lbs away from our normal weight, and normal for Sarah and me isn’t size 2.  But our clothes weren’t fitting and we just didn’t feel good about the way we had been eating or the choices we had been making.

You see, Sarah and I have NO EXCUSE!  Since we work closely with one of the world’s leading authorities in nutritional and preventive medicine (a.k.a. Sarah’s dad Dr. Ray Strand), and  we have access to all of the products and resources we need to be the two healthiest women on the planet!  But knowing what you should be doing, and deciding to actually do it are two completely different things.  So we decided, right then and there, that we would commit the short 12 weeks until my 30th birthday to start  making the right choices.  This is my story, with a little help from Sarah.  The story of how I was able to accomplish my goal of losing 15lbs by my 30th birthday!

Article #1: C.H.A.N.G.E

C.H.A.N.G.E. www.groundedandsurrounded.com

My journey towards C.H.A.N.G.E. (Choose Health And Never Give-up….Ever) started Thursday June 19, 2014 after Sarah and I returned home from the 1st Ariix Regional Convention. Ariix is a Wellness Company that is 3 years old and Sarah and I have had the privilege of being there from the beginning. Sarah’s dad, Dr. Ray Strand, is the Chief Medical Director of the Company. I never thought I would do a business like Ariix. Health and wellness were never really on my radar or something I would have ever imagined sharing with others. But my experience with Sarah and her family has changed all that. READ FULL ARTICLE


Article #2: Dr. Ray Strand Changed My Life

Dr. Ray Strand Changed My Life www.groundedandsurrounded

Sarah’s dad, Dr. Ray Strand, and his Healthy for Life program have changed my life in so many ways! Since Sarah has been working alongside her dad since she was 17 and has extensive knowledge of his Healthy for Life Program, I asked her to write this week’s “Countdown to 30” post.  In this post she will share with you the foundational concepts of the program we are following, and give you links to further resources if you are interested in learning more. READ FULL ARTICLE.



Article #3: I miss my Skinny Jeans

I miss my skinny jeans

A quote keeps coming back to me as I think about my Countdown to 30 experience and my personal goal to lose 15 lbs by my 30th birthday.  It goes like this: “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.”  I do want to be healthy and fit first and foremost, but a huge motivating factor for me is that I want, no I NEED, to fit into my skinny jeans again! I need to feel good about myself, and know in my heart that I am doing everything I need to be doing to live a long and healthy life. READ FULL ARTICLE.



Article #4: Top 10 Healthy Vacation Habits

Top 10 Healthy Vacation HabitsSmack dab in the middle of my 12 week “Countdown to 30 Adventure”, my family went on a 9 day vacation to Montana.  I am not going to lie, I was TERRIFIED!  I had been diligent with Dr. Strand’s Program and I was experiencing the positive results.  My clothes were fitting me better, and I had already lost 7 ½ lbs.  I have never traveled well, and I had my own doubts about whether or not this time would be any different. READ FULL ARTICLE.




Article #5: Celebrate the Beginning of the Rest of My Life

Celebrate the Beginning of the Rest Of My LifeI did it!  I LOST 15.6lbs IN 12 WEEKS!! I am so excited and so grateful to have reached this goal.   BMI went from overweight range to normal and my body fat drop by 3.2%. I love that this journey has become a lifestyle and I am so thankful to God for empowering me to make healthy choices.  The most surprising discovery I made in the past 3 months is the fact that I LOVE EXERCISING!  I was sick for a few weeks, and I actually missed working out.   What?!? READ FULL ARTICLE.



Do you want to lose 15lbs in 2015? If so, Sarah and I can help.  Please comment on this post or send us a note through our “Contact ” page.

Sammi Signature

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    1. Thank you for your kind words, Paula! I am fairly introverted by nature, but I knew my journey may inspire others and help them achieve their own health and weight goals. It is worth it to put yourself out there if it will help others 🙂